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Competition Guidelines

Nimble Fingers Competition


Lego sets will be provided by the Lego Club of Trinidad and Tobago to contestant to compete. There will be four contestants for each round, preliminary, quarter finals, semi-finals and finals. According to how many contestants we will have the quarter finals. If not we just have the preliminary and finals. The kids will have to build a model that appears on the box or via instructions which will be provided by the Lego Club. A practice area will be setup for contestants that require to practice before the competition Lego sets will also be provided by the Lego Club for the practice. The age groups for the Nimble Fingers competition are from 6-8 and 9-11 years.  Note this will be the first sets of competition for the day which starts at 10:15 am.  Contestant will have to register and pay $25.00. The kids will have at least 5 minutes to build the above model (Check our Nimble Page for model to be built), they can finish before the five minutes, once they finish build before they need to shout/say “Lego Olympics”.  The 2nd or 3rd fastest times will move forward to the next competition. (According to the number of persons in the competition) The judges will inspect the model to ensure it is built according to specification. Although a person may win, if in the next round the fourth or last place person time is better than the person who won their round will be replace with the person with the faster time from the next round or the round before accordingly. Lego brand sets and medals will be provided for prizes for the competition.

Be creative on spot


Lego sets will be provided by the Lego Club of Trinidad and Tobago to contestant to compete. There will be four contestants for each round, preliminary, quarter finals, semi-finals and finals. According to how many contestants we will have the quarter finals. If not we just have the preliminary and finals. The kids will have to build a model that doesn’t appear on a box or instructions (Check our Be Creative on spot page for the model). The ages group for the Be creative on spot competition are from 6-8 and 9-11 years.  Contestant will have to register and pay $25.00. The kids will have at least 10 minutes to build their model, they can finish before the 10 minutes. (According to the number of persons in the competition)  

Technic Challenge


Lego sets will be provided by the Lego Club of Trinidad and Tobago to contestant to compete. There will be four contestants for each round, preliminary, quarter finals, semi-finals and finals. According to how many contestants we will have the quarter finals. If not we just have the preliminary and finals. The kids will have to build a model that doesn’t appear on a box or instructions (Check our Technic Challenge page for the model).  The age group for the Technic Challenge competition are from 8-17 years.  Contestant will have to register and pay $25.00. The kids will have at least 10 minutes to build their model, they can finish before the 10 minutes. (According to the number of persons in the competition). 

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